
Apparently, over on the bird hellsite, it's #screenshotsaturday. I'd forgotten all about it so I quickly took a few to post. You can only post 4 images to a tweet* so there's a bonus extra one here.

If you're wondering why they look more red than usual, it's just because the camera is close to a virus source - the big blue enemy drops little virus-spraying 'bomb' things. Far as I can work out, you can't paint the terrain in realtime (as happened in the original game), so this is a - possibly temporary- way to show contaminated areas.

Another option would be to use decals, but my map is going to be pretty large to have loads of permanent decals that could end up covering almost the entire area. I dunno. I'm still thinking how I'm going to do it, and this works in the interim.

*yes, we're still calling them that.

Screenshot showing the player's craft, which is small and green, flying close to a larger blue enemy craft. There is a landing pad in the background, which is the player's starting position

Screenshot showing the player's craft, which is small and green, flying close to and shooting at a larger blue enemy craft

Screenshot showing the player's craft, which is small and green, flying close to a small house at the edge of a lake

Screenshot showing the player's craft, which is small and green, flying close to a larger blue enemy craft. It is fairly dark, as it is nighttime ingame.

Screenshot showing the player's craft, which is small and green, approaching a larger blue enemy craft. It is nighttime so the screen is quite dark, but there are red glowing patches coming from the enemy and the bombs it leaves behind
