Just putting this up here quickly while I get things in order.

So, first off, the thing I'm mostly doing these days is working on a game. I'm a total beginner when it comes to making games, but it seems to be coming along fairly well. I've put up a few videos documenting it's progress here.

It's based on an old game called Zarch, or Virus (depending on the platform). I was looking to see if I could find a modern remake of it, didn't find one, so I figured I'd give it a whirl. I'm mostly using Unity, Blender and Visual Studio for it. Last bit I did was a night/day transition, so here's a nice sunrise picture

Screenshot of a sunrise in my game
An in-game sunrise

Currently adding a minimap, so I'll add a bit about that soon. I'll probably put up some tutorial stuff once I figure out how to do make a thing work.

Apart from the game stuff, I also make some music stuff, so you'll eventually find some of that on here too.

And yeah, that's me.
