Working On... The Drone

Now that I've done the player ship model, the Seeder (that big blue ship) and the Pest (the annoying small yellow and pink thing), I'm running into a new problem when trying to model other enemies -lack of reference material!

The original game(s) were running at around 810x648, so trying to pick out details is pretty difficult. The previously mentioned ones were featured in a lot of promotional material, so the low-res screenshots weren't really an issue, but the higher level enemies weren't really shown on the marketing material.

Here's an original screenshot. Just try figuring out the shape of those enemies!

An 810x648 resolution screenshot showing 3 alien ships attacking the player

The best reference that I've found is from a remake of the game I found a little while back. It's a free download, and you can get it here. At least, I think it's the best - it's a little hard to say for sure when you don't have any other sources to verify against! But it *feels* right which, I guess, is what's important to me. I'm not too worried about getting things exactly right, I'm not making a replica here, I'll probably be making some deliberate changes to models anyway..

Anyway, so here's the current work-in-progress, the Drone model.

Screenshot taken from inside Blender, showing the 3D model of the Drone enemy

And that's where we are now. I've exported it ready to pop into Unity but I'm not going to have time to get into the coding and whatnot tonight so I'm going to leave it for another day instead of starting something I won't be able to make a dent in.
