Minimap and Altimeter Added


Screenshot from my game showing the new altimeter and minimap in the top left, with a big red arrow overlaid , and the words "NEW!"

Basic but functional right now. Both are in need of further tweaking.

The minimap looks fine in that picture, but it's not great at night. That's because it's essentially a top-down camera view (the camera outputs to a texture, and the UI element then uses that texture to show the camera view as a map). So the problem is, at night, it all goes very dark. You can make out the minimap icons, but that's not a lot of use without being able to see landscape features in order to orient yourself! 

I've got some resources bookmarked about how to get the top-down camera to use a different shader when rendering the landscape (the main camera would use the regular shader), so I think that's the way forward. All looks pretty involved, so I might leave that for a bit!

The altimeter seems to work fine. It's a UI Slider, so I think it's meant more for setting info than for showing it, but it works fine. It's got a script attached that reads the player's Y position and positions the slider element accordingly.

There's now a limitation on the player's use of the thruster. It's limited to under 250m. Above that height, it won't work, so the altimeter is scaled to 250m, with the horizontal bar then showing the player's height within that. If it's maxed out, the player can't use the thruster until they fall back under the 250m ceiling, so I may look into changing the colour when it's maxed out, have it turn red or something. 

Here's the video.
